Searching by Accession(s)

The GRIN-Global database can be searched from different starting points. You can search when you know a specific accession by its name or identifier. You can search by taxa, and you can search for accessions by their traits ("Descriptors").

Accessions Searching Overview

When you click Accessions at the top menu, four tabs display: Results and three Search tabs.

  • Simple Search – The Simple Search only returns in its results accessions that are available for requesting at that moment. (Some accessions are only seasonally available.) Historic (data records only) are also not included in the results. A database administrator can determine what fields to search using GG's Autofields.

  • List Search – the user provides a list of accession identifiers. This list can be copied from an external source such as a document or spreadsheet and is a handy method for searching. The default, as shown below, is to search the database for all accessions.

  • Advanced Search – in addition to the same database fields as the simple search, an advanced search can use additional search criteria [More...]


On the search Results page, you can filter the original search results to obtain a more focused subset.

Wildcards: Searching with wildcard characters

If you embed your searches within %age signs or (*) asterisks (wild cards) you will be setting up a "wider net." Besides the (% or *) wildcards which represent any number of characters, you can use the underscore character (_) which represents any single character.

Results Search box

The Search box can be used to find matching text anywhere on the current results page.

Searching by Traits

Accessions in the database may be found based on their observed traits. (Not all accessions however will necessarily have observations recorded in the database.) But for those that do, you can search for them under the Descriptors option on the menu.